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Do you know how Business Process Automation fits into an Overall Automation Strategy?


Every business organization should opt-in for Business Process Automation, it’s because it’s an advanced way to operate in 2021. A well-managed and formed BPA can provide improvements across the board, which includes essential enterprise aspects. For instance, accuracy, accountability, productivity, efficiency, and employee satisfaction. Business Process Automation focuses on automating daily IT processes and business functions of an organization to maximize efficiency and ensure smooth operations. BPA looks to automate repetitious tasks that otherwise require manual intervention such as employee on boarding, file transfers, generating and distributing reports, approval processes. Businesses rely on digital systems to manage data and access information, but as the workloads surge and IT becomes more complex, manually managing mission-critical processes just won’t help if businesses want to remain competitive.

BPA allows organizations to shift their concentration from maintaining manual, tiresome tasks to creating improved, organized workflows that can effectively and efficiently add value to the business. This will provide real-time insight for enterprise-wide visibility and control. BPA software supports businesses to become more efficient by managing data and dependencies across various tools and technologies, often without the need for scripting. This will enable IT to accommodate changing business requirements quickly and reliably, which in turn results in customer satisfaction since there will be no delays or interruptions in services or product updates. For example, healthcare industries rely on real-time data to control decision-making and provide transparency to customers. BPA enables this by providing end-to-end processes.

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The three exciting features of BPA are:

  • Smart rules-driven automation –You can make automatic decisions predicated on the present regulations, for instance, saving files or allocating tasks. 
  • Timely analytics –Having access to statistics in real-time with just a click or timed for distribution will keep your team much ahead of the game. 
  • Open collaboration–You will come across exceptions to automation rules, enabling humans to maintain an oversight when an automation process fails.

Some Common Tasks Automated with BPA

    • Onboarding Processes:   Employee onboarding often involves a checklist of tedious managerial tasks, leaving room for manual errors and compliance risks. This places extra workload not just on the HR team, but also on IT staff. BPA streamlines the employee onboarding process by eliminating the need for manual interventions, saving time and resources as a result. For example, through workflow automation, organizations can automate the promotion of user accounts through directory services such as Active Directory, adding accounts to the appropriate new groups, modifying security settings, and then updating information in a database such as SQL Server.
    • Document Management: Transferring documents between folders and applications can be time taking and prone to human error. To streamline this process, most organizations automate their file transfers using batch scripts or file transfer management tools. As a result, managed file transfer (MFT) operations and MFT software are often managed separately from the larger automation environment, making day-to-day business processes more complex. BPA software eliminates this complexity by consolidating MFT operations into a single solution. Furthermore, BPA promotes secure data movement and file sharing between end-to-end workflows and supports secure file transfer protocols (including SFTP and FTPS).
    • Data Integration:  BPA allows end-to-end workflows between automation software and ERP applications such as Informatica Power Centre, Oracle PeopleSoft, SAP Business Objects Data Services, or Microsoft Dynamics AX, without spending an excessive amount of time, costs, and resources manually scripting integrations between applications and infrastructure. More importantly, the seamless integration between applications, databases, and compute resources minimizes slack time so key data and insights can be quickly accessible.
    • Back-Office  Processes:  Back-office functions frequently involve support from management, help desk teams, and IT staff. BPA streamlines end-to-end workflows between commonly used back-office applications and cloud-based infrastructures to quickly provide help desk teams and business users with real-time data needed to complete day-to-day operations such as invoicing, purchase orders, expense reports, approval processes, customer support, data entry, and so forth.

Businesses are becoming digital and dealing with greater volumes of data than ever before. To sustain success, they need to adjust cost-effectively to changing demands. And as is the case in most organizations. IT departments are working in increasingly complex environments that contain an array of heterogeneous applications, databases, and platforms. But IT need not fear. A holistic, unified approach to automation proves advantageous in the fight against complexity.

     Connecting IT and business processes into a single platform enables IT to move away from siloed automation tools and limited-capability point schedulers, so that the business can develop an orchestrated automation strategy that facilitates end-to-end processes across the enterprise, providing greater visibility, insight, and innovation.



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